Notre travail - 4R Solution

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Sustainable Development Goals & 4R Solution

A set of global goals was developed by the United Nations, in consultation with world leaders, international organizations and the general public, to help combat startling facts like these. Referred to as the sustainable development goals – or SDGs – these 17 goals aim to confront the biggest issues affecting our world today. The 4R Solution will have an impact on 9 of those 17 goals.

1. No Poverty

Increased food production is critical to alleviating poverty and hunger. Smallholder farmers will increase sustainable farm production by using 4R nutrient stewardship principles. Their produce will be marketed through sustainable businesses that the farmers own and operate via their own cooperatives. This will increase income and reduce poverty.

2. Zero Hunger

In addition to Goal 1, the project’s capacity building plan includes training of producers on the selection of appropriate crop varieties, including cash crops and food crops. An increase in income through market support activities via cooperatives will reduce hunger in smallholder farmers by increasing ability to purchase food.

5. Gender Equality

50 per cent of the project’s smallholder farmers are women. The project will transfer knowledge about crops typically farmed by women producers. Training women agriculture extension agents and increasing the number of women in leadership positions at the co-ops will empower women.

8. Decent Work and Economic Growth

The 4R Solution project ensures sustained economic growth, higher levels of productivity and entrepreneurship through co-op business models. The project enables men and women smallholder farmers to access, participate and contribute in sustainable agriculture and improved economic well-being.

10. Reduced Inequalities

Smallholder farmers need the right resources, technology, and training to boost yields. In particular women, who make up the majority of smallholder farmers, require opportunities to overcome barriers. 4R Solution opportunities such as access to financial services, food storage, effective transportation, knowledge of best practices, and input system for seeds and fertilizer that have made agriculture in the western world more secure and sustainable.

12. Responsible Consumption and Production

Fertilizer use is often uninformed, resulting in spotty and/or ineffective usage, which can produce watershed pollution, avoidable greenhouse gas emissions, and sub-optimal yields. Using 4R principles will enable the smallholder farmers and consumers to grow and buy food that have been produced responsibly.

13. Climate Action

The project plays a significant role in climate action improving nitrogen fertilizer use efficiency and reducing nutrient losses by wider adoption of 4R stewardship practices. Using 4R principles can reduce on farm greenhouse gas emission of nitrous oxide up to 35 per cent.

15. Life On Land

The project is expected to positively impact the environment by reducing greenhouse gas emissions (nitrous oxide) per unit of crop produced and by limiting watershed pollution due to misuse of phosphorous, through the application of the 4Rs. Any potential negative effects will be minimized through correct fertilizer usage within the context of other sustainable agricultural practices (crop variety selection, crop rotation, integrated pest management, low tillage) promoted by the project.

17. Partnerships For The Goals

4R Solution is Global Affairs Canada funded project in partnership with Cooperative Development Foundation of Canada, International Plant Nutrition Institute Canada (IPNI Canada) and African Plant Nutrition Institute. The project is also collaborarting with stakeholders within Canada, at the UN, FAO and as well as local and national research institutes to ensure complementarity and to encourage increased dissemination of good practices and build the body of data/knowledge within countries project. The project will sign MOUs with relevant local government departments and local women’s advocacy organizations to encourage participation.

Case Studies

A brief overview of what the user would expect to see in the case studies. Suspendisse sollicitudin risus a mollis scelerisque. Aliquam a placerat ante. Vestibulum diam lorem.

Case Study

Case Study 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sollicitudin risus a mollis scelerisque. Aliquam a placerat ante. Vestibulum diam lorem, dignissim sit amet egestas ut, facilisis non mauris.

Region: Cooltown, Senegal

Date: 2018-2020

Case Study

Case Study 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sollicitudin risus a mollis scelerisque. Aliquam a placerat ante. Vestibulum diam lorem, dignissim sit amet egestas ut, facilisis non mauris.

Region: Cooltown, Senegal

Date: 2018-2020



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